10 Remarkable Earth Facts - Facts About Earth - Earth Facts

Mount Everest's Growth: The highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, is still growing. Due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, Everest's height increases by about 4 millimeters (0.16 inches) every year.Earth's Magnetic Field: Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core. This field is w

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Why is Science Important in Our Daily Life

Science is crucial for daily life as it helps us understand the world around us and solve everyday problems. From cooking to transportation, science plays a vital role in enhancing our quality of life.It enables us to make informed decisions, innovate new technologies, and improve various aspects of society. Through scientific advancements, we have

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What is an Interesting Facts About Earth-MQSinfo.com

Earth has a unique feature called the "Goldilocks Zone," which allows for the existence of liquid water. This makes our planet the perfect spot for life as we know it.As the third planet from the sun, Earth is in the habitable zone where conditions are just right for water to remain liquid. This allows for the existence of life as it provides the e

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